Pesantren Mahasiswa Jagad 'Alimussirry

Connect with teachers who are 100% trained and available to help your education.

Why choose us?

Know all the benefits you will have when using

Tutor availability
Asatidz yang mengajar merupakan lulusan S1 - S3
24/7 Tutor Availability
Pembinaan Akhlak Dan Moral Mahasantri Dalam Kehidupan Sehari - hari
Interactive Learning
Pembelajaran & Pengajian S1 dan S2 Non Formal Menggunakan Sistem SKS

All tools in one platform

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Customize with your schedule
Personalized Professional Online Tuor on Your Schedule.

Our scheduling system allows for careful decision-making in terms of time and student suitability, with aour tutors available in a variety of time slots entirely designed around each student's individual pace.

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By: Admin JA

Pendaftaran JA

About us
Talented and Highly Qualified Tutors to Serve you for Online Help.

PPJA provides quality experiences and support for students.